
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Avas ANZAC day facts


  1. Hi Ava,
    That is a great slide presentation on Anzac Day and the reasons why we commemorate this important day. I love all the pictures you have used in this, and how amazing that your dad has been to Gallipoli to be part of the Anzac commemorations. I've been to Gallipoli too, but not on Anzac Day, but it was still a very moving and emotional place to see. The soldiers were very brave and sacrificed a lot for our country.
    Have you made some Anzac biscuits yet?

    1. Hi Kirsten,
      I am glad you enjoyed my slideshow, i really enjoyed doing it and i learnt alot about Anzac day.
      when did you go there?
      iam going to make them tomorrow.

  2. Hi Ava,
    This is amazing I have learnt so much from this slide show I love all the pictures. How are you spending your ANZAC day?

  3. Hi Beth,
    Thank you, i enjoyed doing the slide show.
    I liked picking all the pictures.
    Iam going to get up early to stand outside for the minute silence and iam going to bake anzac cookies.
    What are you going to do?


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