
Friday, May 29, 2020

Blog scavenger hunt

I had to do a blog scavenger and screenshot these what i have found🦄😻😍😎😄

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

how to make a quality blog post and comment

You will need a something interesting to write about to put on your blog it needs to
be interesting because you want your audiences to like it 

Next you need a very good title so your audience likes it because the audience needs to be
like wow this sounds cool interesting or exciting if you don't have a catchy title people might not like it

For writing a quality comment you need it to
be positive helpful and thoughtful try to get a conversation with the person

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Hello listeners this is Ava Gibbard reporting on your radio. I have got some BIG exciting news to tell you!
I have invented a brand new……. ICE CREAM FLAVOR
It is blueberry and banana muffin flavor
Go to your local supermarket NOW for the new  flavor from AVA!   

My lock down letter

20 march 2020

Dear my future self

I was in lock down because of the covid-19 virus and we had to stay in to not spread the virus and to stay safe. We stayed at home from 20 of march 2020

At home in my bubble was: my Mum Dad and my little brother Charlie  my brother is 5 my mum  is 36 and my dad is 48 and a bunny could snowflake

What I missed: my friends but we were lucky a noph to see each other on face time family,  going to the shops, having play dates,having sleepovers,and school ,but home schooling was fun too. I am going to miss sleeping in and movies and playing  games and I LOVE LOVE LOVE  doing lots and lots of baking

I liked the most about staying at home:was relaxing so i can  have some nice quiet time
And staying in my bed and having a nice sleep  in, and going on nice walks, scooter rides and bike rides. What I liked the most was spending time with my family all together like we can watch movies together and playing games together.I also learnt my bike on the road.

Friday, May 8, 2020